Easily classify your raw LiDAR data. Delete and clean up stray points, classify buildings, streets, vegetation, and more. All in real-time on the ROCK Cloud.
Real-Time Editing
& Classification

Easily compare, align and merge your data with complete control, unlike any processing platform you've seen.
Compare, Align,
& Merge Data

Easily import CAD drawings to overlay into your 3D LiDAR data, or view it in 2D.
Merge Point Clouds

Easily re-project your data into the correct datum to match GCPs or different project requirements. Use any standard projection or designate a custom coordinate system with a combined scale factor.
Manage Projections

Effortlessly upload a CSV of ground control points to your project or add them in. Use the Quick Alignment Tool to align your dataset.
Establish GCPs & Accuracy Reports

Achieve precise alignment effortlessly with the 3D GCP Alignment tool. Move your point cloud on all three axis to make sure it aligns perfectly with each GCP.
3D GCP Alignment

Compare multiple projects as they change over time to make informed decisions about your project’s progress.
Compare Changes
Over Time

Gain access to our ever-expanding global RTK Network. While utilizing in conjunction with ROCK Base, you can increase productivity and accuracy of your workflow.
ROCK RTK Network

Highlight sections of your data to quickly view a cross section and understand the accuracy of your data. And easily extract that data for use elsewhere.
Cross Section (Profile View)

Use the Stock Pile Tool to click and draw a polygon around any object in your point cloud to calculate the volume and cut/fill.
Calculate Stockpile Volumetrics

Upload your company logo and information so that whenever your project is shared—your branding is front and center. Custom branding is also transferred to all PDF reports that are produced in the ROCK Cloud.
Custom Branding

Unlimited data storage! Never worry about failing hard drives ever again. All of your data is securely stored on the ROCK Cloud.
Data Storage

Upload geotagged images and the ROCK Cloud will accurately place those images on the map based on where the photos were taken.
Visualize Inspection Photos

Upload your orthomosaics to share, measure, and host the 2D data on the ROCK Cloud for a complete deliverable experience.
Orthomosaic Support

Seamlessly collaborate with your team and work on datasets together alongside our team of experts.
Multiple User Access

Easily share projects with your clients from email or share to a wider audience with share links. No additional licenses necessary.
Data Sharing